What is the reason for crystallization of raw honey crystallize in some variants?
Almost all the variants of honey crystallize over a period of time. Carom, Acacia and Holy Basil
take longer time while Mustard and Sesame honey crystallizes faster. The process of
crystallization starts as soon as they leave the 35°C hive. Infact at times they crystallize inside
the hive itself if the temperature drops to 10°C
One of the main factors of the speed of crystallization is the glucose and fructose ratio in the
nectar. The enzymes present inside the bee breakdown the sucrose into glucose and fructose.
75-80% of the honey content is made up of glucose and fructose and 20-25% is water. Glucose
and Fructose both contribute to the sweetness honey tastes sweet, but the ratio of glucose
influences crystallization.
Since the content of water is less, honey is considered to be a supersaturated with the combined
various sugars. Over a period of time, the glucose molecules crystallize or separate out of the
solution that the bees have created, thus forming crystals
The first crystals act as a seed, creating more crystals and filling the whole container. Tiny
molecules of pollen, propolis, and wax can also serve as a building point for crystals. To remove
the crystals, one needs to immerse in warm water or heat for a few minutes
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